Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Patrick McGoohan, 1928 - 2009

Perhaps oddly it is not his awesome turn as Number Six in The Prisoner with which I most strongly associate Patrick McGoohan. In fact as a self confessed genre nut it's unusual that of all his roles, as he strode through cult film and television during a fifty year career, the performances I most cherished were in two relatively mainstream pictures, both of which have sat comfortably in my top ten favourite films of all time for some years.

Hell Drivers (1957)

Ice Station Zebra (1968)

The world seems a weaker and smaller place for the loss of this magnificent actor and great intellect.

The Guardian

BBC News




  1. I also think of Ice Station Zebra when I think of him. A great talent.

  2. Ty for reminding me that Mr McGoohan was in Hell Drivers - I'm a fan of it because of Stanley Baker - great film! Sad loss.

  3. What a cast, and all at the top of their game.

    I love Hell Drivers.
