Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Shoe the goose

Work has been a bit crazy since my week off hence no updates and very little writing. I have got two different ideas brewing for the Red Planet Competition - just need to develop both a little and see which is the best runner.

No more work done on 'Hitman', I'll probably read through it on Sunday and start a second draft next week.

The cause of the delay has been a combination of a lot of extra pressure at work due to sickness and also an interview for a new job on Monday. The interview went well. So well in fact that I start my new job on August 13th. I'm still with the same company but from now on when people ask me what I do I'll be able to say I work in IT. In the Midlands.


In 2000AD 'Mutants in Mega City One' is turning out to be the best Dredd story I've read in years. John Wagner is taking old stoney face into very new moral territory and the repercussions are likely to have huge consequences for him and his city. He's even had to get new boots and we all know what that means.

Defoe continues to be extraordinarily good. What seemed initially to be just a bit of fun zombie hacking is turning into an ingenious re-imagining of English seventeenth century history. This has the potential to run and run.


BBC2 start running the excellent Heroes next Wednesday. Do not miss it or you'll feel a right lemon. Crayon it into your diary. In the meantime you could pick up the latest issue of the Radio Times to find out what all the fuss is about.

Save the cheerleader, save the world.


Steven Moffat's Jekyll has been fantastic. The reinterpretation of the original story has been imaginative and surprising. James Nesbitt has delivered two excellent performances both as Tom Jackman and his malevolent alter ego while Gina Bellman, as his confused wife, is captivating. A fantastic effort all round. A full review will follow after the series has finished.

Likewise reviews for The Sound of Drums and Last of the Time Lords and Blink are on the way.


Finally, I'm now available for poking on facebook, it's like MySpace but with class. In fact, I've probably got a greater online presence than a lot of successful writers. Somehow that doesn't seem like a good thing.



  1. Where are you, sir? The silence is deafening. We want Stickler!

  2. Shucks, Mr A. I've been lurking silently for a few weeks but now I'm back, bad and indeed a little mad.

    Thanks for the prod.

